Originalist Angles
Introducing Our Summer Symposium
Note from the Editors
Federal Constitutional Structure
To our readers,
Having published two successful issues of Originalist Angles on Indian law and constitutional structure, we are excited to announce our next steps for the publication. So far, we have reworked our website to make it easier to navigate, and plan to announce the topic for our next issue shortly. In addition to continuing to publish written issues, we plan to host a symposium this August to promote intellectual debate and engagement with pending issues at the Supreme Court.
As many of you may already know, the doctrine of Chevron deference has been one of the most important rules in administrative law since its establishment 40 years ago. Under this principle, established in Chevron U.S.A., Inc.., v. National Resources Defense Council, Inc., courts must defer to an agency’s reasonable interpretation of an act which it is charged to apply. This case is likely the single most cited precedent in matters of administrative law, and has allowed for broad expansion of agency regulations.
In the upcoming October 2023 term, the Supreme Court granted certiorari in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, a case challenging Chevron and providing an opportunity for the Court to reconsider or reverse course. For this reason, we will be focusing our first symposium on the question posed in Loper Bright: Whether the court should overrule Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, or at least clarify that statutory silence concerning controversial powers expressly but narrowly granted elsewhere in the statute does not constitute an ambiguity requiring deference to the agency.
In the coming weeks, we will release further details regarding the symposium schedule and panelists. Any Originalist Angles writers or other high school students interested in participating are encouraged to begin considering these issues and to subscribe or get in touch for updates about the symposium.
Lastly, we would again like to thank our advisory board and the student writers who have made this latest issue possible. We hope you are excited for the upcoming symposium, and enjoy reading the second issue of Originalist Angles!
Kevin Bizily and Maxwell Steinberg,
Originalist Angles Editors.